Scale your Staffing Recruitment Outreach

Reach and Engage Frontline Workers Instantly with Customized AI Screening
  • Customize Joy's screening script and questions
  • Applicants get an instant call from Joy
  • Review the recording with conversation highlights to find your perfect match!
Beep Boop! Joy is calling you now from:  (415) 903-5188
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Our AI recruiter will give you a demo call instantly to ask about your business!

Staffing agencies face unique challenges when it comes to recruiting frontline and hourly workers. Reaching candidates who are not regularly checking emails and efficiently scheduling the next steps are critical to ensuring a smooth hiring process. Classet’s AI-powered phone screener addresses these challenges by engaging candidates immediately via phone, providing them with the necessary information, and directing them to the next steps.

Classet automates the initial screening process with customizable scripts tailored to each role, ensuring candidates receive relevant information right away. Our platform simplifies the scheduling of further interviews and directs candidates to your office or client locations. Additionally, interview recordings can be shared directly with your end clients, providing transparency and consistency throughout the hiring process.

Key Benefits:

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