Eliminate Phone Tag & Ghosting in Your Hiring Process

Let Joy tackle the legwork with 24/7 AI phone screening, scheduling, and filtering.

  • Customize Joy's phone screening script and questions
  • Applicants get an instant call from Joy
  • Review the recording with conversation highlights to find your perfect match!
Beep Boop! Joy is calling you now from:  (415) 903-5188
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Our AI recruiter will give you a demo interview call to ask about your business!
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Faster Outreach = More Hires

  • +300% Increase In Hires with Instant Outreach. 183 of 400 successful hires were contacted the same day they applied.
  • The best candidates don't stick around for drawn out hiring processes
  • 70% of applicants evaporate before they are contacted.
Autopilot Calls Outperform Humans
Recruiter Calls
Outreach Time
3+ days
Candidate Calls
15 / day
Time Investment
15 hours / week
Call Consistency

The Fastest Way To Review Applicants

  • Call Recording & Notes are summarized and emailed after with % fit ratings.
  • Choose the best candidates to interview and we will schedule a call... all you need to do is pick up their call.
  • Save hours of screening and chasing down unqualified candidates

Process Applicants - At Scale

  • Give us your ‘must have’ criteria for the role
  • Years of experience, commute requirements, areas of specialty, zip codes or radius from your office
  • Never deal with sifting through completely irrelevant resumés again

Candidates Love Fast Outreach

Instantly give every applicant a friendly voice to talk to about the role and next steps.
I was excited to get a text from Sears right away. I was impressed with how much the AI recruiter knew about the job. It made my job search so much easier. Previously I applied to 20 jobs and only heard back from 3.
Hired @ Sears Home Services
With the AI call, I saved a lot of time. Instead of being redirected to fill out the same info on different websites, I get everything I need upfront. Plus, the quick responses mean I’m not stuck in endless phone interviews.
Hired @ Ace Handyman Services
Getting a call right away from the company made it much easier to understand the position and make sure it was a real. I was so tired of random links to shady job websites (one even asked for a credit card!)
Hired @ Rooter Hero
I got a text and call from Bucksworth instantly which was awesome. My email is jammed with job board spam so I lose track of my applications and miss emails.
Hired @ Bucksworth Home Services
I hate how long it takes to hear back from employers. I give companies a 30 day shot clock before I mark them as no-reply in my notes. Even if its a bot, its nice to have someone reach out quickly.
Hired @ Envocore
Talking on the phone is so much easier than web applications. Having to fill out the same information over and over is so annoying, I skip job applications that ask too much information.
Hired @ Rooter Hero