Revolutionize Your Skilled Trades Hiring

Automate All Recruiting Tasks and Secure Top Craftsmen with AI Screening
  • Customize Joy's screening script and questions
  • Applicants get an instant call from Joy
  • Review the recording with conversation highlights to find your perfect match!
Beep Boop! Joy is calling you now from:  (415) 903-5188
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Our AI recruiter will give you a demo call instantly to ask about your business!

Hiring skilled craftsmen and tradespeople is critical for any business in the skilled trades industry. However, the recruiting process can be time-consuming and often requires a full-time recruiter or office admin to manage tedious tasks. Classet’s AI-powered phone screener transforms this process by automating the initial screening, allowing you to review candidates on your schedule and secure the best talent before your competitors can.

Classet automates candidate outreach with customizable scripts tailored to your specific needs, ensuring candidates receive relevant information and immediate engagement. Our platform lets you focus on running your business while we handle the busy work of recruiting. By engaging candidates instantly, Classet ensures you don't miss out on top talent in the competitive skilled trades market.

Key Benefits:

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