A Mission to Improve the Hiring Experience For All

We Are Re-inventing Recruiting to Connect Employers and Candidates Faster & Better Than Ever.

Fixing Hiring Headaches

  • 75% of Applicants Never Hear Back
    For every day companies delay outreach, hires drop 50-70%
  • 64% Apply To Jobs After Hours
    The best applicants already have full-time jobs
  • Avg. Jobseeker Applies to 40+ Jobs
    Recruiters are inundated with low intent jobseekers
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In today’s world of one-click apply jobs, it is impossible to get in contact with all applicants. The process is often impersonal and leaves applicants stuck in limbo. We believe in enhancing, not replacing, the human touch in recruiting. Our AI-powered technology augments and accelerates the recruitment process, delivering a best-in-class candidate experience while empowering recruiters.

Meet The Team

Our Team Previous Founded Bluecrew (Acquired By EmployBridge) and Built Candidate Friendly Technology to Hire Millions Of Hourly Workers .
I've spent my entire career working on hiring tools for the frontline workforce. The future of work is NOT submitting 100 applications and never hearing back.
AI is not a replacement for the human touch, but it helps you focus your time on value touches with candidates that are qualified and engaged for your position.
Job search changes with technology. Newspapers, internet Search, now its time for AI to match people in new ways.
The job market is highly competitive right now. By responding instantly to candidates, you ensure that you remain at the forefront of the candidate's mind.
Johnny Rooney
Head Of Partnerships
Candidates and employers are both frustrated with the lack of follow through in job search. We are building AI tools to connect people while they sleep.
Denny Liang
Fullstack Developer