Classet is the premier platform to discover & highlight skilled work and the go-to spot for the world's leading trade experts
This project was a large custom deck. I assisted with it's construction and painting.
Grading out over 500 tons of 304s limestone for the loading docks at associated materials in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Remodeled complete kitchen to open kitch/living rooms Mini split heater and cooling system install
Had to clear 6 acres of land and prep it for dump trucks to come in and dump loads of concrete
Ground up site work for homeless veterans shelter in Youngstown, Ohio
Dealt with all types of tools, digging with shovel, working with pavements/concrete, jack hammered
Proof of working at M&O Sanitation & doing body shop Technician. Available for any position
Giving a closer look at what’s planned for the kids this month