Pest Control Responsibilties:
Apply or release chemical solutions or toxic gases and set traps to kill or remove pests and vermin that infest buildings and surrounding areas.
Pest Control Benefits:
Make bugs your full time job. See all kinds of critters so others don't need to deal with them! Lots of food processing plants have CRAZY bug problems.
Professional Pest Control License Requirements in Idaho
If you are looking to become a licensed pest control technician in Idaho and want to apply restricted-use and general pesticides in residential and commercial settings, there are certain requirements you must meet.
Types of Pest Control Licenses in Idaho:
Professional Applicator License: This license allows individuals to apply and supervise pesticide applications on another person's property for compensation. The fee for this license is $120.
Private Applicator License: This license allows individuals to supervise or apply agricultural chemicals on any land owned or operated by their employer. The fee for the Idaho private applicator license ranges from $10 to $30 depending on the category.
Pesticide Dealer License: This license authorizes companies to sell and distribute pesticides in Idaho. The cost of this license is $120.
Reciprocal License: This license allows pest control licensees to use their license from another state in Idaho. The fee for Idaho reciprocal licenses is $120.
For each license, proof of financial responsibility is required. Aerial applicators must provide a photocopy of their FAA pilot license (front and back copies are required).
Idaho Pest Control License Board:
All Idaho pest control licenses are administered by the Idaho Department of Agriculture.
The average yearly salary for pest control technicians in Idaho is approximately $31,000.
If you are interested in becoming a pest control technician in Idaho, here is some helpful information:
Training programs:
Course Costs:
Course costs range between $50 and $200.
On-the-Job Experience:
Licensing board Information:
Apply for your license online through the Idaho Department of Agriculture.
License examination requirements:
The passing score for Idaho pest control technician licenses is 70%. Exams are closed book.
Examination categories include:
Examination Resources:
If you are looking for a pest control job in Idaho, you can find job listings in most cities. Here are some websites where you can search for pest control technician jobs in your area:
The hourly pay rate for pest control technicians in Idaho is $15.60. You can find more information about pest control job openings and salaries here.
During your interviews for a pest control technician position, you are likely to be asked the following questions:
Pest control companies are looking for professional and responsible technicians who prioritize safety. Make sure to dress professionally for your job interviews.
As a pest control professional in Idaho, it is important to stay informed about the latest trends in the industry. Here are some key areas to focus on:
Common dangers of being employed as an Idaho pest control technician:
Helpful pest control technician safety tips:
Pest-control professionals in Idaho have the benefit of reciprocity agreements with the following states:
In Idaho, as a pest control professional, it is important to renew your license every year. The renewal fee for pest control technician licenses in Idaho is $120.
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